Tuesday, August 23, 2011

We're Back!

Brett and I are back after being gone for 17 days.  We had a lovely time on the Mediterranean.  I loved everything about our trip.  Visiting different cities and countries in Europe felt so rewarding, plus, I was able to cross off items on my bucket list.  I feel so lucky to have gone a trip of a lifetime with my wonderful husband.   

Stay tuned for pictures and stories to come!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly!

The Good
(It should have been Ben!)
The Bad
The Ugly
(Bentley said ugly duckling, but she isn't. She's just lame and cries a lot)

I promise I don't think Ashley is ugly.  I wouldn't want to say that about anyone.  Througout the season she had her moments where she looked really pretty and then there were times where it was scary.  

Anyway, last night Brett and I watched the finale of the bachelorette.  This was the first time we had ever watched an entire season of this show.  I'll admit that this show had it's great moments with characters like Bentley or guys we were rooting for like Ben F. and Ames, but otherwise, I could not stand her crying all the time.

Last night the finale had built so much anxiety in me.  I'll I wanted was Ashley to pick Ben because they were so good together.  BUT, NO!!! She had to pick the jealous and cheesy JP.  I admit, Brett and I yelled at the tv.  We were so upset with her decision.  I also felt really bad that she let Ben propose to her only to break his heart.  He seems like such a nice guy and I don't blame him one bit for being upset with her.  I honestly think Ben is the better choice because she did seem more like herself.  But, she went with another one of her "gut" feelings with JP.  I agree with her sister that this may not be the best decision.  She could have the same ending with JP like she did with Bentley and Brad. 

If she is happy, then I hope Ashley and JP have a happy life together and that Ben becomes the next Bachelor.