Thursday, January 22, 2015

Luke at 11 Months

11 Months on December 3, 2014

One more month to go! I'm in denial! Luke has learned a new word. "uh-oh" and says it when he drops anything. Becoming more confident in walking along the furniture. I'm enjoying every second of him still being -1!

Luke loves touching the ornaments on the Christmas tree. I'm still convinced this kid is going to be an engineer with a lot of personality.  He observes and is very curious and particular about every detail with an object.

Yay for pots and pans.

Luke fell asleep on me one morning and it was wonderful!


I did a comparison and I see some similarities between us!

Sparky is not sure about Luke getting into everything.

Aww, Sparky and Chip

Luke's pants fall off all the time especially in the crib.

Always in the pantry while I cook

Crosses his feet while eats and sleeps.
I find it adorable!

This made me laugh!  
Sparky is trying out Luke's new car while we put it together.

Thanksgiving 2014

Brett and I hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year.  I would have loved to have been at my parent's in St. G, but that didn't work out this year.  Luckily, my brother Dave came for the whole week and then my sister, Elise and her mom came for a few days.  It was nice to have company!

Come on ladies, please marry my brother! 
He'll wear the diaper bag and put the shark in his back pocket!

Fort Sumtner in Charleston
"The first shots of the Civil War started here"

haha, Luke's hair

Luke, Dave, and Brett
(it was cold and windy)

Apparently, I dressed for the occasion.

The Old American Flag

Luke and Dave

Sweet sleeping babe

Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Refuses to smile on cue these days

The Thanksgiving feast that I prepared- 9 dishes

Elise and her turkey leg

Dave loves rolls

Luke didn't know what to do

We tried the Pirate House in Savannah

Chip in a basket

Grandma Wilson

Emma Louis Ripke Wilson
November 9, 1930- November 8, 2014

On November 8, 2014, my Grandma Wilson passed away the day before her 84th birthday.  Brett, Luke and I were on our way to Jacksonville when we received the call that she had passed away. I was deeply saddened by this news, but I am always grateful for the knowledge that families are eternal.  I am so glad that I had a chance to see her in July when Luke and I went out to California. She had not been doing well the last 10 years and had suffered from a couple of strokes and a heart attack.  I am glad that she is not suffering anymore and is in a better place. 
I love you, Grandma!

The first time Luke met his Great Grandma Wilson in April 2014

The last time we would see Grandma, July 2, 2014

Luke at 10 Months

10 Months on November 3, 2014

In two months I will have a one year old!  What?!  He looks like a toddler in this picture!

If I said Luke was a busy boy last month, then that was an understatement! I chase after Luke all day because he gets into everything.  I'm actually okay if he doesn't walk for awhile.  Luke does walk along the couch very cautiously though, so he is working on it.  We caught him saying "wow" as his first word. Babbles a lot and carries on conversations with himself.  Still extremely loving and has becomes even more needy for his mama.

Another mess, don't worry Mom!

We are starting to see the cats tolerate Luke just a little more.

I really enjoyed his bedhead hair this particular morning.

Who needs wipes?

I walked in to put Luke down for his nap and found Sparky keeping the bed warm.

I still love his cute long baby feet

Loves to help me vacuum

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Luke at 9 Months

9 Months on October 3rd, 2014

Luke's not really looking like a baby anymore, but almost a toddler. Luke's personality has really been coming out. He's very happy, loving, determined, focused, and head strong. So head strong that the War of the Wills has begun and yes, he's testing Brett and I.  With Luke's crawling now  being very fast, he gets into everything.  I'm chasing him quite a bit! I absolutely love this babe!

Luke has gained speed at crawling.

I love Halloween pj's

His official 9 Month Photo

I couldn't resist taking one his Halloween costume

At his 9 Month Check-up
21.2 LBS and 29 3/4 INCHES long

Luke loved the hay

He discovered the tampons...