Thursday, August 21, 2014

Luke at 7 Months

19 lbs. 15 oz (80th percentile)
28.5 inches long (94th percentile)
Head is 46 cm (95th percentile)

On August 3rd, my little baby boy who is not so little anymore turned 7 months! The fact that Luke will be a one year old in 5 months is causing me to have some anxiety. I don't even want to think about it. I love every moment with Luke and he has become such a sweet and special little guy in our home.  I am reminded each day that my Heavenly Father is near with Luke and I am still eternally grateful.

Luke has hit some more milestones this month:

-Sat up by himself on July 18

-I caught him on all fours rocking.
(I predict he will be crawling within the month)

-He moves around like a seal and does this side attempt crawling

-Wearing 12 months clothes

-Keeps expanding his taste buds with prunes, apples, pears, and stage 2 foods.

-still teething, but nothing has cut yet.
(It's been about 2 months)

-Sleeps about 7 hours through the night before waking up.

-likes to talk a lot (babbling)

See, I can sit!

Luke loves the Siamese

Sweet Peas

Selfie time

Always busy

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